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Gun Holsters for Concealed Carry at GrabAGun

When shopping for gun holsters, consumers are going to want to keep form and function in mind. Gun holsters should be comfortable and should always stay put without changing positions, unless it is your intention. Additionally, part of the holster should completely cover and protect the trigger from any contact with outside objects, including a trigger finger.

One way to keep your weapon completely out of sight is to pick a gun and holster that work with your clothing. With this strategy, comes the option of pocket pistols, which will conceal well with most wardrobes. However, if you have a duty-sized pistol, for example, you may choose to change your attire to fit your firearm. The size of your gun will determine what type of wardrobe and which gun holsters would be best for you.

Another element to consider is whether “on-the-body” or “off the body” is right for you? Ankle holsters, bellyband models, shoulder holsters, and belt holsters are all “on-the-body”. Gun security and accessibility are two distinct advantages to this kind of holster system. However, two concerns are physical discomfort as well as the greater possibility of your firearm being seen. “Off-the-body” gun holsters include specially designed backpacks, purses, and even day planners. These designs are brilliant, and the chances of your firearm being exposed are slim. Wardrobe concerns are eliminated and carriers have greater range of motion. However, it will take longer to access your handgun, and if an “off-the-body” rig leaves your body entirely, it absolutely has to be secured in a locking container to prevent unauthorized access.

Ultimately, lifestyle is going to be your deciding factor when shopping for gun holsters. Working at a desk everyday produces different needs than someone who works outdoors on their feet. Consider your specific needs when choosing the perfect holster system for you.

Get the perfect holster for your handgun online from GrabAGun today!

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