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Choosing a Concealed Carry Pistol

Concealed Carry Pistols

When looking for a concealed carry pistol most people think derringer. Small firearms are generally the gun of choice for concealed carry, and when used in conjunction with concealed carry holsters they are virtually undetectable.

However, some hands are simply too large to comfortably handle smaller handguns. These individuals will generally opt for an option that comfortably fits their hand without getting a finger stuck in the trigger. Many manufacturers now make smaller guns designed to offer more space for large hands. There remains a small number of individuals who are unable to comfortably, or accurately use smaller guns.

Any gun owner is best advised to choose a weapon that fits the hand comfortably and always use the best safety procedure available-practice and more practice.

Many individuals often consider trigger pull as a factor in choosing a weapon. Factory firearms have a trigger pull in the range of less than four to more than twelve pounds. The higher the trigger pull, the harder it is to depress the trigger.

An additional factor to be considered when purchasing concealed carry pistols are the firing mechanism and presence or absence of one or more safeties. A striker-fire gun when loaded is cocked and unlocked with a partially cocked striker. There is no external safety, and many influences can cause an accidental discharge such as the strap of a thumb break holster and zipper pulls can wedge into the trigger guard for example. A good quality and well-fitting holster can help to prevent this.

Other factors that can cause an accidental discharge with a concealed carry pistol are loose items in purses, briefcases, glove box or luggage. Pens, lipstick and mascara tubes are examples of items than can wedge into the trigger guard causing discharge. A striker-fire pistol unquestionably requires a quality holster to keep the trigger guard covered and prevent potentially dangerous accidental discharge. The fewer mechanical safeties on the pistol, the more danger there is of accidental discharge. A light triggered gun with no safeties must be secured in a good holster to reduce the chance of injury or death.

Buy the carry pistol factory of your choice that is a good fit to your hand and abilities made with the accessories you want, and practice every week, and not with just a magazine or two.

A concealed carry pistol is intended to provide you protection. If you are unsure of which weapon is best for you, consult a firearms instruction class that provides certified instructors for classes. Some of these classes provide an assortment of weapons for the student to ‘try out’, helping you decide which firearm is the best gun for you.

Get the best concealed carry pistols for sale online from GrabAGun today! Get handguns for sale, holsters, and bulk ammo.

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