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Concealed Handgun License Classes

To obtain a Concealed Handgun License (CHL), a person must enroll and finish a CHL certification class. What should you expect from CHL classes? In Texas, law requires a course of at least 4 hours, which includes many different classroom topics as well as handgun proficiency qualification at a shooting range.

CHL classes may include these topics: – Safe handling and storage of firearms – Use of force and lethal force – Handgun use – Non-violent dispute resolution – Civil liability, range commands and proficiency preparation – Concealment techniques – Eligibility, suspension, revocation, and renewal requirements – And other topics

The type of gun you can use for the range qualification is a semi-automatic of at least .32 caliber or a revolver of at least .38 caliber. You can legally carry either one of these after obtaining your CHL. You must also apply to get your fingerprints registered aside from any CHL classes.

The range qualification consists of firing 20 rounds in standing position from 3 yards, 20 rounds from 7 yards, and 10 rounds from 15 yards. The target is a B27 silhouette. If you do not pass the range qualification testing, you may take it up to 3 times before you are classified as failed. You must have 50 rounds of ammunition for each attempt.

You must be at least 21 years of age and not a convicted felon to obtain a license and it is good for 5 years. There is also a discount if you are 60 years old or older.

You will need to bring your license application if you applied online, a handgun that is in working condition, 50 rounds of ammunition, two magazines for a semi-automatic handgun (one is ok), ear protection, eye protection (or eye glasses), and clothing that is suitable for a shooting range and weather conditions.

Visit for handguns for sale, bulk ammo, magazine deals, and accessories.

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