.44 Magnum Guns For Sale


.44 Pistol

Although known and marketed as a .44 caliber, the .44 Magnum is actually a .429-.430 caliber. The .44 designation is a relic term from the late 19th century when bullets were measured on the outside of the cartridge instead of the inside. The .44 fires a large, heavy cartridge at high velocity for a pistol. In full power, it produces such heavy recoil and muzzle blast that most police officers find it unsuitable as a duty weapon due to the difficulty and fatigue related to using it for rapid fire. Even with the heavy recoil, the .44 has its following. GrabAGun offers a large selection of various models and brands of the .44 guns for sale.

As a .44 Magnum household, I can tell you from experience that it is a hard hitting and accurate weapon; one that not just anyone can fire. However, those who can aren’t lacking in the ability to defend themselves efficiently against any attacker; man or beast. It is these beasts stopping power that makes this caliber popular among guns for sale.

.44 Carbines and Rifles

The .44 Magnum has been surpassed by larger bores, but the .44 remains popular among hunters for its ability to kill big game. Hunters prefer to use heavy, flat point bullets at moderate velocities for penetrating undergrowth with minimal deflection.

The Old West spurred the convenience of same caliber pistol/rifles chambered in the same ammo. The famous .44-40 Winchester cartridge was a precursor of the Magnum loads. Today, .44 rifles and carbines are available in numerous brands, and the flash and recoil are not the problem they are in the handgun. It is true of almost any gun. A larger caliber in a smaller gun will have more recoil than the same caliber in a long gun.

The .44 Magnum began as a revolver, but today there a handful of semi-automatic rifles available. In 1959 the first .44 Magnum semi-automatic carbine was introduced and was followed by a lever action. With the longer barrels, carbines generate a higher velocity than the revolver handguns with the same .44 Magnum ammo for sale. Shop our pistols and rifles section to view the guns for sale.

Accuracy of .44 Mag

The .44 Magnum has good accuracy, producing groups at 3 to 4 inches at 50 yards. Heavy hunting ammo drops significantly at 100 yards and this is maximum range recommended for hunting.

The .44 Magnum at GrabAGun

GrabAGun offers an extensive selection of guns for sale. Whether you are looking for pistols for sale, shotguns for sale, or rifles for sale; GrabAGun provides the best price. You will find brands like Charter Arms, Cimarron Firearms, Magnum Research, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Taurus, and others in a large variety of models. You will find the .44 Magnum among our semi-auto rifles for sale and lever-action rifles for sale.