Concealed Carry Requires The Right Concealment Holster For The Job

A concealed carry holster is designed to do just what the name suggests — prevent the gun from being visible through concealing garments. These holsters are designed to be lightweight and unobtrusive, and are generally intended for use with subcompact and compact handguns since these are easier to conceal.

Concealment Holsters are meant to be worn under your clothing, such as on the belt under a coat, under your pants in an ankle holster, or even in your pants pocket. Comfort is an important consideration since the holster is held close to the body. Since the broad surface of the holster comes in contact with your body, you want a holster that’s designed to distribute the pressure across a wider area in order to prevent skin abrasions. Another important consideration is how the holster will protect your handgun from your perspiration.

It is common for the outside of the holster to be broader, in order to help break up the outline of the handgun and prevent printing, where the outline of the gun can be seen through clothing. This is a critical consideration in choosing the right concealed carry holster for you as it is often desirable not to alert other people that you are armed. A carefully designed and selected holster that is worn the right way can make a gun virtually invisible. A good concealed carry holster is designed to be worn underneath clothing that is part of your everyday attire.

Concealed Carry Holsters at GrabAGun

Get the best concealed carry holsters for sale online from GrabAGun today! Shop ankle holsters, belt holsters, and pocket holsters.