Choosing a Fireproof Gun Safe

Consider looking at all the options, do some research and know what you need. No need making an investment that is too far-reaching. Look at many different brands of safes before you buy. Many offer unique options that you may want. Also, investigate the safe’s specifications and ask about its safeguards against tampering. Lastly, invest in a fireproof gun safe.

As you consider the right fireproof gun safe, you need to look at the fireproof rating it carries. When you look at the fireproof ratings, you will see a time limit and a temperature listed. Most fire resistant safes meet basic fire protection standards, with the minimum being able to withstand a 1200⁰F temperature for up to 30 minutes. This means the temperature inside the safe shouldn’t exceed about 275⁰F during those 30 minutes. Your guns should come out okay. A more expensive, premium safe might be rated at 1200⁰F for up to 100 minutes. The response time of your local fire department would be a consideration. If you live close to the station and they can respond within a few minutes, a 100 minute rating might be more than you need. Also, make sure the safe you purchase has a fire seal. This will appear as a flat strip of material around the perimeter of the door, which expands to seal the door when it gets hot.

Get the best gun vaults and safes for sale online from GrabAGun.