Paddle Holsters

Paddle holsters are designed as an alternative to the standard belt holster for concealed handguns. While they generally look the same and feature the same options as concealment-belt holsters, the key difference is that paddle holsters do not attach to your belt. Instead, they use a paddle on the back of the holster that is used to slide between your body and your pants. The wide surface area of the “paddle” uses select materials, which create friction to prevent the holster from being pulled up and away when you draw your handgun.

One primary advantage of paddle holsters is that they are easy to put on and off, since you do not need to remove your belt. Anyone wearing a firearm that wants a bit more flexibility may employ paddle holsters thanks to the added convenience. This can be particularly helpful when removing the holster and firearm to sit, and then it’s easy to replace it when needed. This flexibility allows users the option of not even wearing a belt and still using a paddle holster.

However, this advantage also relates to the main disadvantage, which is that paddle holsters are less secure since they are not attached to your belt loops. To help mitigate this risk, some paddles holsters feature a locking mechanism on the paddle that grabs the underside of your belt.

Paddle Holsters For Sale at GrabAGun

GrabAGun has an extensive selection of guns for sale and holsters for sale. Our stock includes paddle holsters for sale, as well as pistols, gun parts, and other accessories. We also offer guns and holsters beyond our listings. We are proud to give you a GrabAGun discount on any available firearm or holster you desire. Simply call our friendly customer service agents today and they will assist you with any questions about guns for sale or holsters for sale.