Choosing a Pistol Grip

Choosing properly fitted pistol grips is integral to maintaining control and accuracy of a firearm.

Most weapons come with well-fitting pistol grips, but those with large or small paws will often find many choices among pistol grips that can provide a more custom pistol grips type fit and control of a firearm.

A simple test of a pistols fit, as well as the fit of pistol grips is to wrap your fingers around the grip. If it fits, your thumb and middle finger should overlap. The grip is too large for your hands if your thumb cannot touch your middle finger. At the same time, grips can be too small. A grip that is too small will result in poor control of recoil. With your fingers wrapped around the grip, note the placement of your middle finger. If it is overlapping your palm then the grip is too small. The recommended best fit is for the middle finger to overlap the thumb by the length of a man’s thumbnail.

Grip shape and angle can also affect the line of the gun. With the pistol gripped take note of whether or not it points in line with your arm. If not, choose another grip, or pistol. Pistols can be too large for the shooters hands. Adding large grips will only compound this problem in most cases. It is a balance at times, if you shoot a magnum revolver the larger pistol grips will absorb more recoil, whereas thin and therefore more concealable pistol grips will be the better choice for concealed carry pistols. Some grip manufacturers have separate grip choices for each class of weapon.

Some grips are single purpose; they may work great on the practice field, but fail miserably for any other purpose. You wouldn’t want to obtain accuracy with a pair of grips used only on the practice field when they fit your hand differently than what you are normally using. Accuracy can suffer if you do. A well-fitting and comfortable pair of pistol grips is the best option.

Other factors to consider is how much palm swell and checkering is present on grips. Too much palm swell or thumb swell will prove detrimental to grip and accuracy. Too much checkering will be uncomfortable, while too little creates a slippery gun in a sweaty hand.

Pistol grips are the contact point between the hand and gun and proper fitting is imperative to accuracy, comfort, control and safety.

GrabAGun is the premier choice of online gun dealers for pistols, gun parts, and accessories.