Product Spotlight: The Glock 17

glock 17

The world of firearms is a vast one and the realm of handguns is a vast one too. With myriads of variations and permutations, there truly is a handgun for every taste, style, and occupation. However, amongst the many different handguns, few ever gain enough traction to thrive in the public arena. Whether for high costs, weight, or unreliability; these constructs struggle to find a niche where they can build a following. The Glock 17 is not one of those handguns. Designed by a team of weapons experts assembled by Gaston Glock nearly thirty-five years ago, the Glock 17 has stood the test of time better than nearly every handgun in its class. Here are a few reasons to love the Glock 17.

1. Maneuverability

Scaling-in at under one and a half pounds, the Glock 17 is a light, maneuverable alternative to most of its contemporaries. Designed with heavy use of polymer-based materials, the Glock 17 takes the prize for comfort and handling in the handgun department. With a muzzle length of seven and a third inches, you can trust that this weapon’s going to go where you want and fast.

2. Magazine

Typically, a gun that’s light on size is also light on ammunition—not the Glock 17. With a seventeen-round magazine capacity, you can think less about how many rounds you have left and more about the target. Plus, this extra ammo has no affect on the aesthetics or the handling of the gun, keeping the height at a snug five and a half inches and the width at a sleek one and a quarter inches. It’s the best of big and small with this semi-auto handgun.

3. Reliability

There aren’t many specs you can throw out to demonstrate just how reliable the Glock 17 truly is. Suffice it to say that it is used by more police and law enforcement personnel than any other handgun in the world. The whole design itself is very simple with only thirty-four parts in the entire design. This reduces malfunctions and complex fixes. When you’re in a crunch, you do not want your gun to misfire. Neither do the cops, which is why they choose this handgun.

Get Your Glock 17 from GrabAGun

There is a lot more that could be said about this Glock: its rifling, patented safety mechanism, and extra features just to name a few. However, the maneuverability and reliability are at the top of the list. If you want a high-quality weapon that you can trust, go for the Glock 17 at GrabAGun and pick up your 9mm ammo as well!