Best Daily Carry Ammo

daily carry ammo online

Finding the right daily carry firearm is a personal experience and the same can be true about the ammunition you’ll want to use. It takes time to practice with everything to determine what works and what doesn’t. There are hundreds of thousands of rounds to pick from, so how can you know what is right for your handgun? GrabAGun is here to help! Not only do we have a variety of brands and calibers to pick from, but we also have the tools to help you determine what is best for your needs. To find the best daily carry ammo online, keep reading or check out our website today! 

Types of Daily Carry Ammo

If you are just starting to get into daily concealed carry, finding the right ammunition can feel daunting. There is so much information and it’s easy to get off the beaten path. That’s where GrabAGun comes in. We have a large collection of ammo online that you can choose from including options from Winchester, Remington, CCI, Hornady, and more. We’ve also put together this comprehensive guide to help you figure out the best daily carry ammo for your needs. Before we get into what ammunition deals you can get, let’s get into the basics. 

The Basics: FMJ vs. JHP

When it comes to daily defense handgun rounds, you’re two best options are Full Metal Jacket rounds (also the title of a fantastic movie) or Jacketed Hollow Point rounds. What’s the difference? We’ll get into that 

Unwritten, unspoken rule: use hollow points for carrying/home defense, use full-metal jacket for practice. 

Full Metal Jacket Ammo Online

For practice purposes, FMJ is cheaper. It’s easy to find and easy to purchase as bulk ammo. Unfortunately, FMJ is not ideal at the whole, “put the attacker down” point of view. Okay, but what is a full-metal jacket round?

This is a soft lead bullet that’s encased in a harder metal. What’s great about an FMJ round is that, when passing through soft tissue/other stuff, the bullet will retain the majority of its shape. Believe it or not, that’s an upside because, in theory, the bullet will have an easier time retaining its lethality after passing through a barrier. The result is two small holes, usually an entry and an exit wound. However, the downside is that the retention ability of a full-metal jacket bullet increases the risk of over-penetration. 

This is why many gun owners choose to get full-metal jacket ammo for sale for practice purposes. Does that mean it can’t be used for home defense/carry? No! For those in more rural areas, where bears and bobcats might be more present, FMJ will offer more protection than the alternative, hollow point ammunition. 

Jacket Hollow Point Ammunition

JHP is essentially an FMH bullet with a hole in the tip. Okay, so, there’s actually more to it than that, but you get the idea. But basically, the hole is there to create a weakness. That weakness causes resistance when it hits something squishy. If FMJ bullets retain their shape, then it’s safe to say that JHP bullets do not. Instead, they expand upon target impact and remember that…

Quick physics reminder: With Newton’s Law of Conservation of Energy, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred. 

Keeping Newton’s law in mind, when a hollow point bullet hits a target, it’s supposed to expand upon impact while all the energy dissipates into the thing you shot. This results, typically, in a much larger wound cavity and no exit wounds, meaning the bullet stops inside the body.

It’s important to note that the hollow-point rounds you see in the movies do not perform the same way in real life. Hollow-points are not some magical death talisman. It won’t send someone flying across a room nor is it an instantaneous “cop-killer”. 

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daily carry ammo deals online
Handgun with bullets revolver ammunition pistol loaded

Ammo Deals

It’s now time to decide on the caliber that you’ll choose for home defense or for daily carry. Whether you carry a 9mm Sig P365 for EDC or you want to keep a revolver for home defense, there are several ammo options out there. 

Best Daily Carry Ammo Online

9mm–The Go To

The most popular defense firearm is a 9mm. It doesn’t matter from which company. It could be a Glock handgun, a Ruger handgun, a Taurus G2C for sale–literally, name the manufacturer and they likely have a tested, trusted, and well-loved 9mm handgun with 9mm ammo to go with it. The fact that the majority of law enforcement officers carry 9mm guns also helps ensure that there is a plentiful supply of this ammunition. 

Browse GrabAGun’s collection of 9mm ammo online

.45 ACP–The Tried and True

If knock-down power is what you are after, then .45 ACP is what you need. The standard for 1911 pistols, it’s the best combination of accuracy and stopping power. Because it’s a larger bullet, it ultimately delivers a massive wound cavity. Basically, the larger the bullet, the greater the impact–which is exactly what .45 ACP does. 

Select the .45 ACP ammo you need and take advantage of GrabAGun’s flat rate shipping!

.357 Magnum/.38 SPL–Revolvers Are Cool Too

Not everyone wants to carry a typical 9mm around, which is totally fine! Revolvers are a great option for those that might be hiking or entering areas with high wildlife populations. With revolvers, the popular chamberings are .375 Magnum and/or .38 Special. When compared with a 9mm round, either will perform with more force, creating a larger wound cavity. Neither of these can be considered a “one-shot” wonder, but they can absolutely be trusted in serious situations. 

Check out our .357 selection for more ammunition online deals

If you need .38 Special ammo online, GrabAGun is the best place to look

.40 S&W–An Oldie But a Goodie

.40 S&W used to be the FBI standard before it was replaced by 9mm. There’s nothing wrong with the round, 9mm just happens to be easier to manufacture at bulk rates. This is a heavy load that delivers a major punch, leaving a massive wound cavity. It’s one of the main reasons that many rely on it for daily ammo carry or for home defense. 

Pick up a box or two of .40 S&W ammo online from GrabAGun today

.327 Federal Magnum–More Revolvers

Not the most typical defensive round–because it’s only about a decade old and designed for revolvers–but that doesn’t mean it still isn’t a viable option. This ammo operates at a higher pressure than .357 Magnum and features less felt recoil. .327 Magnum is actually designed specifically for defensive use and can be depended on for daily carry. 

Grab a box of .327 Fed Mag ammo online from GrabAGun

GrabAGun and the Best Daily Carry Ammo Online

Once you’ve decided on the type of ammo you want, your next step is to purchase some. Find boxes of ammo online at great deals at GrabAGun now! Our site has unbeatable prices on carry ammo for all your concealed carry firearms. To make sure you never miss out on our deals, sign up for our newsletter, The Freedom Team. Get product notifications, sale updates, gun deals that can’t be beaten. 

Get the best daily carry ammo online from GrabAGun today!

–Kellie Krevosky