Concealed Carry Requires The Right Concealment Holster For The Job

A concealed carry holster is designed to do just what the name suggests — prevent the gun from being visible through concealing garments. These holsters are designed to be lightweight and unobtrusive, and are generally intended for use with subcompact and compact handguns since these are easier to conceal.

Concealment Holsters are meant to be worn under your clothing, such as on the belt under a coat, under your pants in an ankle holster, or even in your pants pocket. Comfort is an important consideration since the holster is held close to the body. Since the broad surface of the holster comes in contact with your body, you want a holster that’s designed to distribute the pressure across a wider area in order to prevent skin abrasions. Another important consideration is how the holster will protect your handgun from your perspiration.

It is common for the outside of the holster to be broader, in order to help break up the outline of the handgun and prevent printing, where the outline of the gun can be seen through clothing. This is a critical consideration in choosing the right concealed carry holster for you as it is often desirable not to alert other people that you are armed. A carefully designed and selected holster that is worn the right way can make a gun virtually invisible. A good concealed carry holster is designed to be worn underneath clothing that is part of your everyday attire.

Concealed Carry Holsters at GrabAGun

Get the best concealed carry holsters for sale online from GrabAGun today! Shop ankle holsters, belt holsters, and pocket holsters.

Paddle Holsters

Paddle holsters are designed as an alternative to the standard belt holster for concealed handguns. While they generally look the same and feature the same options as concealment-belt holsters, the key difference is that paddle holsters do not attach to your belt. Instead, they use a paddle on the back of the holster that is used to slide between your body and your pants. The wide surface area of the “paddle” uses select materials, which create friction to prevent the holster from being pulled up and away when you draw your handgun.

One primary advantage of paddle holsters is that they are easy to put on and off, since you do not need to remove your belt. Anyone wearing a firearm that wants a bit more flexibility may employ paddle holsters thanks to the added convenience. This can be particularly helpful when removing the holster and firearm to sit, and then it’s easy to replace it when needed. This flexibility allows users the option of not even wearing a belt and still using a paddle holster.

However, this advantage also relates to the main disadvantage, which is that paddle holsters are less secure since they are not attached to your belt loops. To help mitigate this risk, some paddles holsters feature a locking mechanism on the paddle that grabs the underside of your belt.

Paddle Holsters For Sale at GrabAGun

GrabAGun has an extensive selection of guns for sale and holsters for sale. Our stock includes paddle holsters for sale, as well as pistols, gun parts, and other accessories. We also offer guns and holsters beyond our listings. We are proud to give you a GrabAGun discount on any available firearm or holster you desire. Simply call our friendly customer service agents today and they will assist you with any questions about guns for sale or holsters for sale.

What To Look For When Buying Ankle Holsters

Ankle holsters are a common type of concealment holster, which are designed to be easily concealed, as well as lightweight and unobtrusive. These holsters are typically designed for subcompact and compact handguns, since they are easier to conceal. Concealment holsters are designed to be worn under clothing – in this case under the pants, on your ankle.

Also known as boot holsters, ankle holsters offer excellent concealment and are often used by those who wish to carry a secondary weapon to back up their primary firearm. Especially when you won’t be carrying your primary weapon but still want to be armed, this type of holster provides a great option as a highly concealable holster for your firearm. This is particularly great for those hot summer days when you just want to wear a t-shirt or if you choose to tuck your shirt in.

Fobus Ankle Holster for Glock 26, 26 and 33 Right Hand

One of the primary drawbacks of ankle holsters is that they are not appropriate for carrying your primary gun, since you can’t move while drawing from them. This is important, and is why the focus of these holsters is for use with your secondary or back up guns.

A few other challenges of ankle carry to keep in mind when considering an ankle holster are the following:

  1. Sometimes the holster will move around on the ankle and will end up out of position. This makes it harder to draw when needed.
  2. Depending on the size of your ankle, some may not sit quite right and will be uncomfortable, especially if worn for a prolonged amount of time.
  3. 3. Most importantly, during vigorous activities, such as running, many people find that even a small handgun bounces around too much.

Get ankle holsters for sale online from GrabAGun today! Shop ankle holsters, belt holsters, pocket holsters, and concealment holsters.

Gun Holsters at Gun Shops

There are several factors to consider when shopping for gun holsters. The first factor is to ensure the holster you purchase is made for the gun, as well as any accessories such as laser. Finding a holster that accommodates accessories can be difficult in gun shops.

The second factor to consider is that the holster should secure the pistol. A hooded holster can prevent dangerous accidental discharges from coat strings, an ink pen or other objects. GrabAGun offers a large selection of holsters, more than any other gun shops online or local box stores.

The third factor to consider is that the holster must allow fast access to the weapon when it’s needed. Fumbling to draw a gun out of the holster can cost you your life.

Fourth, consider how and where you will wear the holster. Your wardrobe may require a change for concealed carry.

Gun holsters come in various grades of quality. You need a holster that is safe, functional, fits nicely, as comfortable as possible and long lasting. Considering a holster protects the gun, provides fast access, secures the gun and fits as comfortable as possible, it is wise to spend the extra money for holster that fits all of the criteria.

The “level of retention” refers to the number of features that help keep the gun in the holster. An increased retention will slow the draw, but it also prevents an assailant from grabbing the gun with no resistance. Retention level is an individual preference, as is how much risk you are willing to take. The majority of police officers prefers level one-or single retention gun holsters for this reason.

Smooth draw is essential; a gun that hangs upon the holster is dangerous. Snagging slows the draw and creates the risk of accidental discharge and damage to the firearm. Try out new holsters to ensure a smooth draw.

Having a holster is imperative for weapons with no safety. A strap engaging a light trigger upon draw can result in accidental discharge and injury. The holster also needs to provide a smooth re-holster.

Concealed Carry Holsters

Concealed carry holsters are designed to provide concealment of a firearm. A carry concealed holster should have the same desirable features as any other holster plus concealment. How you plan to carry will be the first consideration in the selection. If you carry your pistol in a purse and have a young child, it is wise to have a gun with two or more safeties, a hooded holster and a high level of retention. When shopping online or at gun shops look for these features to help keep your child safe.

Duty Holsters

Duty holsters are available in passive retention or active retention systems. Passive systems feature devices that must be manually engaged such as a thumb break, which is a strap opened with your thumb. The passive system holster is the most common holster and is available online or in any gun shops.

An active system is an automatic locking system or ALS that locks the pistol into place when it is re-holstered. You must disengage the retention when you need to draw the weapon. The ALS prevents a gun from falling out of the holster. The type of holster you select is a matter of individual choice that only you can decide. If you are unable to locate the holster of your choice at local gun shops, or online, shop our site or contact us.

GrabAGun is the premier online gun store for guns for sale. Shop handguns for sale, holsters, bulk ammo, and accessories.

Holsters For Pistols For Sale

pistols for sale

Gun Holsters

Selecting a gun holster that is right for you is a lot like trying to decide which gun among our pistols for sale is right for you-it is a matter of personal preference. So what should you choose; Leather, Nylon or Kydex? Let’s look at each of the material’s advantages and disadvantages to help you make that decision.

Top Grain Leather Holsters

Leathercraft takes skill, and these holsters typically cost more than others. Top grain leather is the outer portion of the hide and is one of the two top leathers you can buy. Most imported leather holsters are made from split grain, which is the lower portion of the hide. Split grain is not as strong or durable as top grain leather. If you choose to purchase a leather holster, look for one made of 9-10 oz. leather because it can last a lifetime. Most holsters are made from 5-6 oz. leather and won’t last like the heavier leather will.

Many people find leather holsters more comfortable, but leather does require some care. Leather has long been popular among law enforcement and is a good choice for durability, comfort, and protection when you are making a selection from our pistols for sale.

Cleaning a Leather Holster

Keep a leather holster clean and wipe it down with a soft cloth occasionally. Dust, blood, sweat, and dirt can damage it if it isn’t removed in a timely manner and it may require a leather care product. Use only those approved for gun holsters in minimal amounts to prevent softening, which over time could cause your gun not to fit. Most leather holsters are made for a specific concealed carry pistol so be sure to choose one compatible for your gun. If possible, use clothing as a barrier between your skin and the holster to minimize the potential damage from sweat. Wipe a sweat stained leather holster down with a dry cloth and allow to air dry out of the sun.

Never use direct sunlight, hair dryers, or any other heat source on a leather holster because it will damage the leather. If it becomes wet, gently wipe it down and let it dry at room temperature. Never rub hard. It is likely to rub off any coloring and could leave a spot on the holster.

Nylon Holsters

Nylon gun holsters are inexpensive and come in different grades. Select a nylon holster sewn with nylon or even stronger polyester thread for longer service life. Even the best nylon holsters will eventually wear out but good grades will last for many years. Many nylon holsters are also made for specific pistols, ensure the gun holster you select is made for your handgun. Nylon is popular, fairly durable, and also makes a good holster when selecting among our pistols for sale.

Kydex Holsters

Kydex has become popular due to its low cost to produce and its long term durability. Environmental conditions won’t adversely affect Kydex as it does leather and nylon. Kydex is lightweight and is the least expensive holster you can buy.

Kydex is hard, and therefore is not suitable for use with concealed carry. It is incapable of following your body contours like leather or other products and can affect the finish of the handgun in a short period of time. Find your Kydex holsters, leather IWB holsters, and other concealed carry items at GrabAGun for the best price!

Synthetic Suede Holster

Synthetic suede holsters are inexpensive, extremely comfortable, and very light weight. They will not wear the finish on a handgun. On the negative side, they are considered disposable with an approximate 6 month life span. These holsters collapse and require removing the holster to re-holster the gun due to this.

Leather Suede Holsters

Suede leather holsters come in many grades, are inexpensive, are fairly durable, and a good grade of leather by a good manufacturer can last many years. Look for one with a metal clip as they are more likely to use heavier nylon thread. Select cowhide over other leathers. Choose natural color as dyed products will bleed color onto clothing. Suede holsters will collapse when the weapon is drawn and must be removed to re-holster the gun.

Get a Holster at GrabAGun

GrabAGun is your premier source for thousands of models of quality rifles, shotguns and pistols for sale. GrabAGun offers a very large selection of gun parts and gun accessories including gun holsters.

Self Defense Pistols For Sale

pistols for sale self defense

Avoid Becoming a Victim

The stories of victims is news every night, and yet far too many people have an “it-won’t ever-happen-to-me” attitude. Despite knowing certain areas are riskier than others, they enter unarmed when they could so easily protect themselves with one of many self defense pistols for sale at GrabAGun.

The lessons on being safe can’t be said enough. The following tips are not new information. They are tips proven to help keep you safe. Print them and share them, but most of all practice them. If you recall nothing else, remember the 4 A’s of survival and start looking for a concealed carry among our pistols for sale.

Rule #1- Be AWARE

Awareness is the first A. Be aware of everything and everyone around you. Keep your head up and your eyes scanning left, front, and right as well as behind you. If someone seems suspicious, look them in the eye and hold it for a bit. Criminals look for weak or mild victims so don’t look like a victim! Walk tall and confident with strong attitude, which is the 3rd A. Carrying a gun will make you more confident.

Rule #2-Request an Escort or Buddy Up

Don’t walk to your car or the store around the corner alone at night. Whatever your reason is for being out, request an escort or ask a friend to accompany you. Don’t jog or walk late at night or early in the morning. Get a buddy or run in the day.

Most crimes happen at night, but daylight is no guarantee of safety. The buddy system is a form of insurance that can be used at any time, as is a firearm. If you are thinking of purchasing a concealed carry pistol, consider your habits such as jogging, and how you will conceal it. This will influence the type and size of pistol you will need when you are ready to shop.

If you think someone is following you, cross the street or change directions. If they continue to follow you; enter a store, restaurant, or other place with people. When you enter, request the police be called as you are being stalked. The stalker may have already claimed victims and a hot lead may help to capture the perpetrator of a previous crime.

Rule #3-Get an Alarm

A burglar alarm and a firearm is the best home defense you can have. Have security signs in the yard even if you don’t have a system. Install burglar deterring motion sensor lights. Put surveillance video cameras up at each door. You don’t have to buy $300 cameras. I put up 3 monitor/camera combos at $49 for each of the 3 systems. Even flashing “fake” cameras are a deterrent. Add window stickers that warn of video surveillance. Homes with a defensive firearm and security system are the least robbed.

If your car has an alarm that activates with a key chain, carry it in your hand ready to alarm if you are assaulted. Don’t forget the most noticeable alarm of all-your voice. Scream, cry fire, and be loud. Even if you have a gun out and on the assailant, be loud and threatening, chances are someone is going to call the police.

Rule #4-Learn Self Defense

You don’t have to pay monthly fees to learn martial arts. Sign up for free or low cost community classes in self-defense. Sign up for a firearms class and choose one of our any concealed carry carry options to make sure you feel safe and secure in any situation.

Rule #5-Carry a Back-up Weapon

An assailant who grabs you from behind may prevent you from extracting a concealed pistol. Carry a knife or anything that will fit into a pocket that can be used for a weapon. Heavy flashlights are good weapons if walking outside at night. Of course you can also carry a smaller pistol in an alternate location like a pocket. Pocket pistols are a good back-up weapon and there are numerous choices.

Rule #6-Don’t Advertise Valuables

Do not flash cash! Carry only what you need and don’t flash it around. Don’t walk around displaying expensive cell phones, I-pads, or anything of a similar nature. If you are walking and texting, you are breaking rule number 1 as well.

Rule #7-Park in Well Lighted Areas Close to the Door

Park in well-lit areas as close to the door of your destination as you can. Scan the areas around you and the path to the door before you leave your locked car. Have your keys ready before walking to your car. If it is night, request an escort. Be ready to use a firearm if you carry one. If you lack one, consider purchasing a gun. There are numerous choices on the market among our pistols for sale.

Always remember to check your back seat before entering your car, night or day. As you approach your car, glance under it as well as the cars next to it. Someone may be waiting there for a victim. If you see someone crouched by a car, go to the nearest business or a group of shoppers and call the police. Just because you have escaped danger doesn’t mean someone else will.

Rule #8-Carry a Concealed Weapon

Being armed with a concealed weapon is no guarantee that you will escape becoming a victim. However, it does increase the odds in your favor. Being armed is your best means of protection and is the single most important factor, besides awareness, that will keep you safe. Armed is the 2nd A. Practice on the range will increase accuracy and accuracy is the 4th A. Being aware, armed with attitude, and accurate are the 4 A’s of survival in the urban jungle.

GrabAGun offers pistols for sale including a large number of concealed carry pistols, gun holsters, and much more. Shop our site and give us a call if you need assistance.

Concealed Carry in The Cold

concealed carry in the cold

You are never too old to learn, and yesterday I learned a lesson. I found that I was completely unprepared for the unexpected snow that fell leaving thousands (and reportedly hundreds of thousands) stuck on iced over highways. Unprepared, that is, from a concealed carry perspective.

Conceal Carry in Any Situation

Bundling up to withstand the frigid temperature left me with the dilemma of where to carry my pistol that provided easy access. Since I don’t wear thermals, I had to make do with some different winter accessories around my house. it was too cold to leave my coat open. In fact I had to wear two coats, a light one and a heavier one.

I wore sweat pants, plus pants, thick cotton wicking socks with leather hiking boots, a sweat shirt, two coats, and a pair of gloves. I felt like a stuffed duck, and walked about like one. My outer coat pockets wouldn’t hold my pistol. If I wore a belt holster access was delayed by two zipped coats, an ankle holster was out period, my carry isn’t a derringer (though I do have a little .38), and even if it had been, my boots would have prevented the carry.

Insulated coveralls would have kept me warm without all the layers, but I couldn’t conceal a weapon, nor could I carry a rifle around in public view without scaring people to death. My goal was to help stranded motorists, not frighten them. Besides, the zipper had broken on my coveralls. A thigh holster or possibly a shoulder holster would have worked but I have never bought one. This spawned an online investigation of holsters for a winter concealed carry, and a decision to update my winter closet to accommodate an icy Deep South.

Concealed Carry Items For Winter

  1. Concealed Carry Coats-Offer pockets designed with concealed carry pistols in mind and provide easy access. Great solution!
  2. Cargo Pants-These have pockets on the thighs, some of which are very large and deep. The ones my son wears would easily hold a full sized pistol. Most of them easily accommodate a concealed carry pistol. Personally, my arms are too short for fast access to cargo pockets.
  3. Coats with Pocket Sleeves-I can see it being difficult to access but it would be better than no access at all.
  4. Faux Pocket Coats- Coats with a false pocket that allows access to belt or shoulder weapons. Another great solution!
  5. Fanny Packs-Any well-constructed fanny pack will work, but concealed carry fanny packs are made for a weapon and provide ambidextrous access unlike a typical fanny pack. Many that I saw provide storage for extra magazines.
  6. Tactical Vests-Great as long as the coat is open. My Ranger vest would have been fine if it would have fit over my coats. I generally wear it in the woods, under an open coat in the winter. Winters are being redefined for the south this year however, and require some creativity.
  7. Hunters’ Vests- These vests are a potential possibility with their pockets. Years ago I had a hunter’s orange quilted fur lined vest with removable sleeves. Warm with deep pockets and much longer than most. It was oversized enough to wear over a coat.

GrabAGun Helps You Conceal

In my region, snow and ice are rare. We don’t get enough snow plinking to count but we do get cold. Shooting with gloves is definitely an adjustment. If you aren’t used to shooting with gloves, try fingerless gloves to start with. Be cautious of gloves, some cause slippage when trying to handle a gun.

GrabAGun has a large selection of gun holsters, including a great selection of winter options including jackets, IWB holsters, OWB holsters, and much more for your concealed carry pistol needs. We offer one of the largest inventories of guns for sale online, optics, and much more. Give us a call, we will be happy to assist you.

How to Care For Your Concealed Carry Pistol

concealed carry handgun cleaning

Cleaning Your Concealed Carry Pistol

Providing maintenance and cleaning for concealed carry pistols is not an option but a requirement. Your concealed carry pistol can’t save your life if it won’t fire and a neglected weapon can indeed let you down when you need it most. Far too many gun owners fail to clean their firearms and some never do until there is a problem. That problem can be one that ends up causing injury or even death. Just carrying your weapon can change its condition and reliability, even if you haven’t fired it since it was last cleaned.

Reliability is one of the likely factors that affected your choice in the weapon you carry, but after purchase it is up to you to provide the maintenance that sustains the reliability that you count on.


Sweat is one of the factors that adversely affect guns. It is composed of water, ammonia, urea, salts, and sugar. Sweat will, over time cause a firearm to rust. It’s a good idea to provide a spray with a little Rem Oil and a rubdown with a cloth to lubricate and protect. Go light on the oil as it can gum up the action.


Lint and other debris from a pocket can cause a real problem in your concealed carry pistol’s reliability. The lint is especially bad when carried in a pocket or purse. The contact with the fabric of clothing, pet hair, dust, grime from the oil in your hands, and our own shedding will find its way into every crack and crevice of the weapon. Routine cleaning will keep it at bay. Using gun holsters is the best protection for your firearm. It will reduce lint and other debris, but you still have to clean and maintain your firearm.


Those who carry a revolver don’t have to worry about a magazine. It’s amazing how many people neglect to care for the magazine; yet they also tend to accumulate lint, dirt, and dust. When you clean the gun, you should inspect, clean, and lubricate the magazine as well.

The best way to clean a magazine is to disassemble it and wipe it down. There is no universal disassembly for magazines, though many of them have a removable floor plate that allows the spring and follower to be removed. Some gun owners like to lightly rub the spring down with oil, but keep in mind oil attracts dust. I use a tiny amount on a microfiber cloth, and then go back over the spring with a good rub using a clean microfiber cloth to remove excess oil.

Check For Loose, or Damaged Parts

Most modern guns for sale can take the rigors of carry and abuse. The constant motion of carrying, being sat upon, bumped, and dropped can lead to a cracked grip or loose screws and pins. Routine inspection and providing needed maintenance will ensure your concealed carry pistol will be operable when you need it.

Cleaning Safely

The number one safety factor that gun owners must realize when cleaning and inspecting a weapon is to ensure it is unloaded. Keep in mind, even though you remove the magazine a round may still be in the chamber. Look into the chamber to ensure no round remains there. Then look into the barrel from the back side to confirm that there is no lodged round in the barrel. Do NOT look into the barrel from the front. Do not consider a gun unloaded until you have inspected the chamber as well as the barrel.

The number two cleaning safety rule is to keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, treat it as if it were still loaded and keep your finger off of the trigger! It’s a sobering fact to realize that more than half of non-intentional gunshot wounds occur during activities such as cleaning, repairing, loading, and unloading guns. Be safe and don’t be a statistic.

Cleaning at GrabAGun

GrabAGun offers an extensive inventory of guns for sale, including concealed carry pistols, concealed carry holsters, and gun cleaning kits for all of your firearm needs.

Gun Holsters

Gun holsters provide protection for the gun, firmly secure it, and can provide for ready access to the handgun. In choosing a gun holster, the user must consider their requirement from a holster. For example, law enforcement personnel require fast access, and secure holding to retain the weapon when taking down a perpetrator. The failure of a holster to provide this may result in severe injury or even death to the officer.
Holsters are generally extracted with one hand, requiring its construction material to be stiff thereby preventing the holsters collapse that can lead to failure for a timely extract as well as difficulty reinserting the handgun.
Individual needs must be considered with securement design. Police as well as individuals often choose a closure to prevent the weapon from being easily removed or the trigger engaged within the holster. A personal handgun in a home where children especially requires close attention to the presence or lack of one or more safety’s on the weapon, as well as consider a hooded closure or other design to prevent children from firing or extracting a holstered weapon.
Holsters also assist in protecting the firearm from dust and lint, the presence of which can cause a misfire. Another environmental factor to consider is when using carry concealed holsters is perspiration. A weapon carried close to the users body can contact perspiration, thus, a good holster that will enclose and protect the firearm is necessary.
Comfort is another consideration with carry concealed holsters. Gun holsters should be broad to break up the handguns outline beneath clothing, as well as to distribute the pressure of the weapon and holster over a larger area. Broad carry concealed holsters will prevent abrasions to the skin.
The fit of the weapon is another factor to consider. Gun holsters that are too tight are difficult to remove. Gun holsters that are too loose can allow the handgun to slip out, and depending upon the weapon, increases the odds of a misfire. An unsheathed weapon in a purse, bag, backpack or briefcase can misfire on certain handguns when items like ink pens, lipstick, mascara or other objects work their way in and depress the triggers on guns without a safety. A well-fitting holster is perhaps the most important of gun accessories you can purchase.

Gun Holsters at GrabAGun

Get the best gun holsters for sale online from GrabAGun today! Shop ankle holsters, belt holsters, and concealment holsters.

Choosing a Concealed Carry Pistol

Concealed Carry Pistols

When looking for a concealed carry pistol most people think derringer. Small firearms are generally the gun of choice for concealed carry, and when used in conjunction with concealed carry holsters they are virtually undetectable.

However, some hands are simply too large to comfortably handle smaller handguns. These individuals will generally opt for an option that comfortably fits their hand without getting a finger stuck in the trigger. Many manufacturers now make smaller guns designed to offer more space for large hands. There remains a small number of individuals who are unable to comfortably, or accurately use smaller guns.

Any gun owner is best advised to choose a weapon that fits the hand comfortably and always use the best safety procedure available-practice and more practice.

Many individuals often consider trigger pull as a factor in choosing a weapon. Factory firearms have a trigger pull in the range of less than four to more than twelve pounds. The higher the trigger pull, the harder it is to depress the trigger.

An additional factor to be considered when purchasing concealed carry pistols are the firing mechanism and presence or absence of one or more safeties. A striker-fire gun when loaded is cocked and unlocked with a partially cocked striker. There is no external safety, and many influences can cause an accidental discharge such as the strap of a thumb break holster and zipper pulls can wedge into the trigger guard for example. A good quality and well-fitting holster can help to prevent this.

Other factors that can cause an accidental discharge with a concealed carry pistol are loose items in purses, briefcases, glove box or luggage. Pens, lipstick and mascara tubes are examples of items than can wedge into the trigger guard causing discharge. A striker-fire pistol unquestionably requires a quality holster to keep the trigger guard covered and prevent potentially dangerous accidental discharge. The fewer mechanical safeties on the pistol, the more danger there is of accidental discharge. A light triggered gun with no safeties must be secured in a good holster to reduce the chance of injury or death.

Buy the carry pistol factory of your choice that is a good fit to your hand and abilities made with the accessories you want, and practice every week, and not with just a magazine or two.

A concealed carry pistol is intended to provide you protection. If you are unsure of which weapon is best for you, consult a firearms instruction class that provides certified instructors for classes. Some of these classes provide an assortment of weapons for the student to ‘try out’, helping you decide which firearm is the best gun for you.

Get the best concealed carry pistols for sale online from GrabAGun today! Get handguns for sale, holsters, and bulk ammo.