Firearms For Sale at GrabAGun

GrabAGun are gun dealers who are hunters and gun enthusiasts dedicated to providing quality guns for sale, gun accessories and parts at a reasonable price to our fellow gun enthusiasts.

We offer pistols for sale, revolvers, and shotguns. Accessories, parts and supplies are available, including magazines, and holsters.

We offer semi-automatics rifles, bolt action rifles, lever action rifles, revolving cylinder rifles and single shot rifles in over 70 brands, as well as the AR-15 for sale in an impressive lineup of brands.

In addition, we stock AR-15 accessories and AR-15 parts including AR uppers and AR lowers, as well as everything else needed to fully customize an AR-15 to suit your individual needs. We offer conversion kits for many firearms, configurations as well as other caliber weapons.

GrabAGun provides one of the most extensive inventories of shotgun brands available on the internet. Whether you are looking for semi-automatic shotguns, pump-action shotguns, over and under shotguns, side-by-side shotguns, single shot shotguns or lever action shotguns, you will likely find it on our site. GrabAGun also offers tactical shotguns, parts and accessories.

GrabAGun customers receive the benefits of our dedicated customer service agents who will locate any available gun that we don’t stock and provide the value price we are known for.

Choosing a Pistol Grip

Choosing properly fitted pistol grips is integral to maintaining control and accuracy of a firearm.

Most weapons come with well-fitting pistol grips, but those with large or small paws will often find many choices among pistol grips that can provide a more custom pistol grips type fit and control of a firearm.

A simple test of a pistols fit, as well as the fit of pistol grips is to wrap your fingers around the grip. If it fits, your thumb and middle finger should overlap. The grip is too large for your hands if your thumb cannot touch your middle finger. At the same time, grips can be too small. A grip that is too small will result in poor control of recoil. With your fingers wrapped around the grip, note the placement of your middle finger. If it is overlapping your palm then the grip is too small. The recommended best fit is for the middle finger to overlap the thumb by the length of a man’s thumbnail.

Grip shape and angle can also affect the line of the gun. With the pistol gripped take note of whether or not it points in line with your arm. If not, choose another grip, or pistol. Pistols can be too large for the shooters hands. Adding large grips will only compound this problem in most cases. It is a balance at times, if you shoot a magnum revolver the larger pistol grips will absorb more recoil, whereas thin and therefore more concealable pistol grips will be the better choice for concealed carry pistols. Some grip manufacturers have separate grip choices for each class of weapon.

Some grips are single purpose; they may work great on the practice field, but fail miserably for any other purpose. You wouldn’t want to obtain accuracy with a pair of grips used only on the practice field when they fit your hand differently than what you are normally using. Accuracy can suffer if you do. A well-fitting and comfortable pair of pistol grips is the best option.

Other factors to consider is how much palm swell and checkering is present on grips. Too much palm swell or thumb swell will prove detrimental to grip and accuracy. Too much checkering will be uncomfortable, while too little creates a slippery gun in a sweaty hand.

Pistol grips are the contact point between the hand and gun and proper fitting is imperative to accuracy, comfort, control and safety.

GrabAGun is the premier choice of online gun dealers for pistols, gun parts, and accessories.

Choosing a Concealed Carry Pistol

Concealed Carry Pistols

When looking for a concealed carry pistol most people think derringer. Small firearms are generally the gun of choice for concealed carry, and when used in conjunction with concealed carry holsters they are virtually undetectable.

However, some hands are simply too large to comfortably handle smaller handguns. These individuals will generally opt for an option that comfortably fits their hand without getting a finger stuck in the trigger. Many manufacturers now make smaller guns designed to offer more space for large hands. There remains a small number of individuals who are unable to comfortably, or accurately use smaller guns.

Any gun owner is best advised to choose a weapon that fits the hand comfortably and always use the best safety procedure available-practice and more practice.

Many individuals often consider trigger pull as a factor in choosing a weapon. Factory firearms have a trigger pull in the range of less than four to more than twelve pounds. The higher the trigger pull, the harder it is to depress the trigger.

An additional factor to be considered when purchasing concealed carry pistols are the firing mechanism and presence or absence of one or more safeties. A striker-fire gun when loaded is cocked and unlocked with a partially cocked striker. There is no external safety, and many influences can cause an accidental discharge such as the strap of a thumb break holster and zipper pulls can wedge into the trigger guard for example. A good quality and well-fitting holster can help to prevent this.

Other factors that can cause an accidental discharge with a concealed carry pistol are loose items in purses, briefcases, glove box or luggage. Pens, lipstick and mascara tubes are examples of items than can wedge into the trigger guard causing discharge. A striker-fire pistol unquestionably requires a quality holster to keep the trigger guard covered and prevent potentially dangerous accidental discharge. The fewer mechanical safeties on the pistol, the more danger there is of accidental discharge. A light triggered gun with no safeties must be secured in a good holster to reduce the chance of injury or death.

Buy the carry pistol factory of your choice that is a good fit to your hand and abilities made with the accessories you want, and practice every week, and not with just a magazine or two.

A concealed carry pistol is intended to provide you protection. If you are unsure of which weapon is best for you, consult a firearms instruction class that provides certified instructors for classes. Some of these classes provide an assortment of weapons for the student to ‘try out’, helping you decide which firearm is the best gun for you.

Get the best concealed carry pistols for sale online from GrabAGun today! Get handguns for sale, holsters, and bulk ammo.

Types of Concealed Weapons Permits

Obtaining a Concealed Weapons Permit

If you are interested in carrying a concealed handgun or other weapon in public, either on one’s person or in close proximity to others, you must obtain a concealed weapons permit. Although most people think of guns when they hear about carrying a concealed weapon (CCW), the weapon doesn’t have to be lethal. For instance, pepper spray in volume of more than 2oz. requires a concealed weapons permit in Florida. Though anyone may legally carry a smaller self-defense device hidden on their person without a concealed weapons permit.

In Texas, residents and non-residents may be issued a concealed weapons permit, which is not the case in every state. There is not a federal law specifically addressing the issuance of concealed carry permits, but all 50 states have passed laws allowing citizens to carry certain concealed firearms in public, either without a permit or after obtaining a permit from local government and/or law enforcement.

There are 4 state-regulated categories regarding the issuance of permits:

Unrestricted Concealed Carry

Unrestricted means the citizen does not need a permit to carry a concealed handgun. This is sometimes called constitutional carry. Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Rural areas of Idaho, Montana outside of city limits, New Mexico in vehicles, Vermont, and Wyoming residents are the included states in this category.

Shall-Issue Concealed Carry

Shall-Issue requires a permit to carry a concealed handgun, but where the granting of such permits is subject only to meeting certain criteria laid out in the law. Typical requirements include residency, minimum age, fingerprinting, passing a background check, attending a safety class, and others. Most states, including Texas, are part of this category.

May-Issue Concealed Carry

May-Issue requires a permit to carry, and the granting of such permits is partially at the discretion of the local authorities. It’s different from shall-issue in that the burden for proof for justifying the need of a permit rests with the applicant, and not necessarily the authority. States in this category are California, Connecticut, Delaware, Guam, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and Rhode Island.

No-Issue Concealed Carry

The last category is No-Issue. This means that only with very limited exceptions, no one is permitted to carry a concealed handgun or weapon in public. American Samoa, District of Columbia, and the United States Virgin Islands are some on the no-issue list.

Get the best concealed carry handguns, holsters, and accessories from GrabAGun.

Concealed Handgun License Classes

To obtain a Concealed Handgun License (CHL), a person must enroll and finish a CHL certification class. What should you expect from CHL classes? In Texas, law requires a course of at least 4 hours, which includes many different classroom topics as well as handgun proficiency qualification at a shooting range.

CHL classes may include these topics: – Safe handling and storage of firearms – Use of force and lethal force – Handgun use – Non-violent dispute resolution – Civil liability, range commands and proficiency preparation – Concealment techniques – Eligibility, suspension, revocation, and renewal requirements – And other topics

The type of gun you can use for the range qualification is a semi-automatic of at least .32 caliber or a revolver of at least .38 caliber. You can legally carry either one of these after obtaining your CHL. You must also apply to get your fingerprints registered aside from any CHL classes.

The range qualification consists of firing 20 rounds in standing position from 3 yards, 20 rounds from 7 yards, and 10 rounds from 15 yards. The target is a B27 silhouette. If you do not pass the range qualification testing, you may take it up to 3 times before you are classified as failed. You must have 50 rounds of ammunition for each attempt.

You must be at least 21 years of age and not a convicted felon to obtain a license and it is good for 5 years. There is also a discount if you are 60 years old or older.

You will need to bring your license application if you applied online, a handgun that is in working condition, 50 rounds of ammunition, two magazines for a semi-automatic handgun (one is ok), ear protection, eye protection (or eye glasses), and clothing that is suitable for a shooting range and weather conditions.

Visit for handguns for sale, bulk ammo, magazine deals, and accessories.

GrabAGun | The Premier Online Gun Store

From the beginning, GrabAGun’s goal has been to offer a line of well-crafted firearms for every gun enthusiast, from those looking for a home protection weapon, to law enforcement and security personnel, competition shooters, and hunters.

GrabAGun offers one of the largest inventories of firearms, gun parts and accessories available for online gun sales. If you don’t find the guns for sale online in our inventory that you seek give us a call. We offer the service of obtaining the firearm you want at great prices with almost any firearms for sale being available by special order if we do not have it listed in our inventory. In addition, we offer firearms that are compliant with new gun control regulations, as well as concealed carry holsters.

With hunting season upon us we have recently expanded our inventory to provide additional hunting, camping and fishing accessories and gear, supplies and parts to keep the avid hunter in the field bagging the trophy shots. For example, we have expanded our shotgun ammo inventory to include shotgun magazines and shot shell holders to speed your reload times whether you are shooting for practice or for prized game.

At GrabAGun we are more than just gun dealers providing for gun sales. We are hunters and gun enthusiasts ourselves with a commitment to providing quality products with reasonable prices for our fellow shooters.

GrabAGun’s online gun dealers are gun enthusiasts providing guns for sale online in a wide selection of name brands.
We offer Beretta, Browning, Bushmaster, Colt, Mossberg, Remington, Sig Sauer, Winchester, and many more brands. From pistols, shotguns, and rifles, you will find a large stock of firearms available from 12 gauge shotguns for sale, to the classic and the new technology models of the 22 rifle for sale, all the way up to the popular AK-47 for sale and the in-high-demand AR-15 for sale.

Whether you are an individual looking for a home defense weapon, a hunter, competition shooter, law enforcement and security personnel, a collector of fine weapons, or just you just love to target shoot, GrabAGun offers the firearms, accessories, parts and supplies you need.

When you expect quality and value to go hand and hand, shop with GrabAGun for all your online gun needs.

Choosing a Pistol for Self Defense

Choosing a self-defense pistol that you will be satisfied with is a lot like buying a car. There are many factors to consider and especially if you have any physical limitations such as arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome. If you are shopping for a weapon to carry on your person this guide can assist you in making an informed decision.

First, consider how and where you may use it. Will you carry it in a pocket holster, shoulder holster, belt holster or in a purse? While there are smaller guns ideal for concealed carry pistols, some people simply can’t handle them flawlessly. Those with larger hands and fingers especially prefer a larger gun.

Next, do you have disabilities that affect your hands? If so, keep in mind, the more recoil a pistol has, the more it’s likely to adversely affect a person with hand problems use of it, and higher recoil will affect their accuracy and comfort.

For example, if you have carpal tunnel syndrome the number of shots you are able to fire with accuracy will most likely be limited. In the event of a situation of grave threat of serious injury or death from a violent offender, accuracy as well as the number of well-placed shots you can fire off matters. This said, the less recoil a pistol has the more shots you will be able to fire with practiced accuracy when you have physical limitations.

Practice at the range is another consideration, ammo for larger caliber weapons generally cost more.

Any gun owner does well to practice often. If you are buying your first handgun, or if it’s been a while since you used one, take the time to learn from a certified professional instructor. Learning proper form and procedure will not only improve your accuracy, but will provide safety and legal considerations. If you use a gun incorrectly and lack accuracy it is of no use to you and can endanger yourself as well as anyone within range. Practice is the key to accurate and well placed shots with any gun.

9mm Pistols Are Generally Cheaper to Shoot

Ideally, a pistol that costs less to shoot, is more easily concealed, comfortable to hold, and provides reduced recoil is going to be a better fit and provides greater accuracy. In addition, you should consider the capacity.

For these reasons many experienced shooters prefer the 9mm pistol with its 15 to 17 shot capacity over the 5-8 shot capacity of revolvers and larger caliber weapons. It has the added bonus of being an effective pistol, with sufficient power to stop an attacker, especially when loaded with hollow point ammo. Most 9mm pistols use gun magazines, providing for a faster reload if necessary by carrying a spare.

Many gun enthusiasts recommend a good brand of 9mm pistol for self-defense due to its general reliability, reduced recoil providing improved accuracy and comfort, as well as an effective firearm for self-defense.

Self Defense Pistols at GrabAGun

Ultimately, choosing a pistol is an individual choice, your best bet is to use a professional and certified instructor on the range with a variety of options to determine which pistol is best suited for your personal needs.

Visit GrabAGun online for an extensive inventory of firearms for sale and accessories to provide for all of your needs.

Texas Concealed Handgun License

texas chl class

Persons with Concealed Handgun Licenses (CHL) take notice, new Texas legislation has passed affecting CHL issuance, where CHL holders can carry and requirements of renewal.

Texas law allows citizens to carry concealed handguns for self-protection with the issuance of a license to carry concealed. The following is a summary of the new laws, and all effective dates are Sept. 1, 2013 unless otherwise noted:

CHL Classes

Previous law required a ten hour Concealed Handgun License Certification Course outlined by the State Department of Public Safety.
With the new legislation class time is reduced from a minimum of 10 hours including range time, to 4-6 hours not including range time. It allows Texas CHL holders renewing their license to take the classroom instruction and the written exam online. Shooting instruction and techniques will be eliminated from CHL classes as of September 1, 2013.

CHL Renewal

After September 1, CHL renewals will no longer require a renewal class. To renew your license you will have to register with the state, pay the renewal fee, and sign an “information form” confirming you are knowledgeable of use of force and concealed handgun laws. This legislation eliminates the one year grace period after licenses expired. If your license to expires, you will have to attend a class as a new student to be re-issued a CHL license. Renewal applications can be submitted on the internet. This legislation reduces the CHL renewal fee for certain honorably discharged veterans, current members of the state military forces, certain peace and correctional officers to $25.

Weapons Categories

Non semi-automatic and semi-automatic license categories have been eliminated.

Hotels with Restrictive Firearms Policies

Hotels are required to tell patrons in advance of any restrictive firearms policies.

School Employees

CHL holders who are employed by a school district or charter school who receive additional training, and have written authorization from their employer, will be allowed to carry a concealed handgun inside the school of their employment.

Currently the Department of Public Safety has not established this new curriculum and training requirements.

This legislation makes it illegal for college campuses to institute policies restricting CHL holders from leaving a firearm in their vehicle on a college campus or in parking lots.

Display of a Firearm

The phrase “Intentional fail to conceal” is changed to “Intentional display of a handgun”. It clarifies that the display of a concealed handgun is authorized to prevent the use of force, not just the use of deadly force against the CHL holder.


The Department of Public Safety must provide the means for people who live in a county with a population of 46,000 or less and are not within a 25-mile radius of a facility capable of processing digital or electronic fingerprints to submit their fingerprints. Fingerprints are required to apply for a CHL.

Seized Firearms

Seized weapons not returned or claimed by the owner can be sold at a public sale. Only a licensed federal firearms dealer can purchase the weapon, and proceeds go to the law enforcement agency that seized it.

Social security

Applicants for a concealed handgun license will not be required to give their Social Security number to the Department of Public Safety.

Interchangeable Guns Allowed

The new legislation allows CHL holders to carry a weapon that may be of a different category than they demonstrated handgun proficiency with prior to being issued a CHL. If you qualified with a revolver, you were limited to carrying a revolver. Earlier law stated that if someone qualified with a semi-automatic weapon, they could carry either a revolver or a semi-automatic. If they only qualified with a revolver, then a revolver was the only gun that could be carried. The new legislation lifts that restriction.

School Safety Task Force

The new legislation provides for a School Safety Task Force that will examine how to improve emergency operations planning and will develop a school safety certification program. Provides for the task force to be comprised of the chief of the Texas Division of Emergency Management or a designee; the training director of the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center at Texas State University-San Marcos or a designee; the chairperson of the School Safety Center or a designee; and the agency director of the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service or a designee. Effective immediately.

Handgun Instructors

Provides certification for qualified handgun instructors in school safety training in the areas of the protection of students, interaction of license holders with first responders, tactics for denying an intruder entry to a classroom or school, how to increase accuracy with a handgun under duress. The certification course will require between 15-20 hours of instruction.

School Marshalls

The “Protection of Texas Children Act” creates a school marshal position in public K-12 schools and charters. Marshals will be allowed to carry a gun, and their identity would only be known to the school’s head administrator and law enforcement. When working in a classroom or around children, the school marshal’s weapon will be locked away but within reach. Effective immediately.

For those CHL holders who wish to take the popular field instruction that will be eliminated on Sept. 1, contact your local CHL class facility to register for available classes in August.

How to Buy a Handgun

how to buy a handgun

Congratulations! You’re ready to buy your first handgun. But what are the steps to take in making such a worthwhile and important purchase? The first step in how to buy a handgun is to know your budget and keep in mind any accessories you might want to acquire. Ammunition, a holster, a carrying bag, ear protection, and eye protection are essential when you are practice shooting.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You might have a knowledgeable friend or an enthusiastic employee at a local gun range that can help you. Decide what the purpose of your gun will be; self-defense, recreational shooting, concealment? Also be aware that laws regarding handguns differ from state to state.

There are two types of handguns: semi-automatic and revolvers. Semi-automatics have many different distinctions, but the best bet for beginners is to pick something that will be reliable, and not require meticulous maintenance. Your goal is to know how to work your gun effectively and it to be comfortable in your hands. Some popular semi-automatic handgun brands to use are Glock, Beretta, Springfield, Smith & Wesson and Ruger. These are just a few of the many handgun brands that are available. A good semi-automatic makes an excellent beginner’s handgun.

Revolvers are reliable and quite easy to use. They are easy to load and you don’t have to worry about loading a magazine properly or fumbling with the slide as in semi-automatics. Revolvers come in a wide variety of weights and sizes, but they are often not as comfortable to hold as a semiautomatic, have limited capacities, and are often not as easy to shoot. Beginners should choose to buy this handgun when they want sheer simplicity above all else.

After you have narrowed your search considerably, try on the gun. Hold it in your hand and check if it’s comfortable enough. Do your fingers find the controls easily and could you handle the mechanics under pressure? The most important thing is to visit a range and do some target practice. The skills needed to operate your handgun effectively will only develop with practice.

Choosing your first handgun is a learning experience, but knowing what you’re going for and doing some research will really help you narrow it down to where you’ll be extremely happy with your purchase. Shop with GrabAGun for handguns for sale, magazine deals, ammo to go, holsters, and more! Get a handgun for sale online at a price you’ll love from GrabAGun.

Back to Basics: Semi-Automatic Handguns

Types of Semi-Automatic Handguns

Developed in the late 1800’s, a semi-automatic handgun is a type of pistol that has a single chamber and barrel and uses the power from each fired shot to load a new round into the chamber while simultaneously ejecting the used casing from the gun. This allows another shot to be fired as soon as the trigger is pulled again until the magazine is empty.

Ammo for semi auto handguns is loaded into a removable magazine that is commonly inserted into the grip of the gun. There are no current federal US laws regulating the maximum amount of ammo a magazine may contain though several states have imposed their own restrictions. Texas does not currently have any restrictions on ammo capacity.

Semi-automatic handguns only fire one shot per pull of the trigger, unlike fully automatic weapons that will fire continuously while the trigger is held down until the ammo limit is reached. A revolver can also fire a round for each pull of the trigger, but does so in a different way and is not considered a semi-automatic handgun. Revolvers don’t automatically eject the spent casing when a new shot is fired and typically hold fewer rounds than a semi-automatic. A revolver will also take longer to reload because you must manually eject the casings and load each round separately. Semi-automatic handguns reload much more easily since you can insert a fully loaded magazine into the gun very quickly. Some self-defense experts believe that these factors alone mean that semi-automatic handguns posses a significant advantage over revolvers. With any firearm purchase, though, the best choice is the one that is comfortable and easy for you to use.

The concept and design of semi-automatic handguns has been widely accepted as the most popular type of concealed firearm and also as the primary type of handgun for military and police use. Modern semi-automatic handguns are available for a wide range of bullet calibers, commonly ranging from .22 to .50 caliber.

As with any weapon, operational and safety training is vitally important as well as proper maintenance to ensure that it is used and stored safely.

Get the best semi-automatic handguns for sale online from GrabAGun.